Saturday, March 21, 2020

COVID / Day 5

I apologize about the delay in getting this posted.

For the last four days, I have spent countless hours watching or reading articles, psyching myself up for something that would hopefully end this terrible situation that we all find ourselves in. Unfortunately that has not happened and each day wake up to a surreal world that feels more like being in another dimension of Earth. Well, let me just say today was not a good day for me I was pent up on verge of panic attack for the majority of the day. Let me give you a little background what led to this.

Last week we all pretty much knew this Corona Virus was going to be a thing, many of us downplayed it that it would be less than H1N1 in 2008 and that many of us it would just be a nasty cold for a few days, then we would move on with our lives. Well, nothing has ever stopped me from going to the movies, I have driven an hour in tropical storm conditions to watch a movie, I went to the movies two days last week. Then with news of impending social distancing standards and possible lockdowns, I told my family lets go have some fun before we get stuck in our house forever. We went to Universal Orlando for dinner in City Walk (the theme parks were closed), played mini-golf and the next day we went for a two night stay at Disney’s Port Orleans French Quarter resort. Why am I telling you all this you may be wondering? Well today I barely got four hours sleep, I woke  up with a dry mouth and a cough (wet/phlegmy) freaking out I may have the virus and for the entire day I have been on verge of panic on were we too careless before locking down? Do we have the virus? Will we be hospitalized? Will we die? So, I spent the day doing what I do best when I get nervous and that is just mindlessly browsing the internet and news sites trying to justify any of my questions.

Needless to say I got zero of my intended movies watch, hopefully tomorrow will be a better day.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

COVID / Intro

I have not written a blog post in quite sometime, it was something I was not planning on doing again, figuring I was moving on to different hobbies and lifestyle. Well, here I am now going into day five of the fifteen days of social distancing guidance. The idea to resume blogging is for a few reasons, to give me something to do with all my new free time, keep my mind from wandering (It’s quite easy to think did I expose myself, could I have the virus, how bad will it be if I get it), one day this may all be in the past with life moving forward and if movie theaters are still a thing, find myself back in them on a regular basis. So, it will be at least for now more of a journal type format than just a review format as in previous posts.

Let me give you a quick story of why I actually thought to do this, I got an email from my father, in it was several things, one of them being a concern from my mother about my wife, my son or myself having contracted the virus. You see just before the guidelines came out and everyone went into social distancing isolation, as a family we wanted to get out and have some fun experiences before lockdown. We went out to dinner at Universal and stayed at a Disney Resort right after, getting this email from my father I started questioning myself, did I touch something I shouldn’t have or did I get to close to someone that might have it. We went grocery shopping, did I touch box and then touch my face, those kind of dark scary thoughts. Well I have been having allergy issues and maybe a cold I got from my wife before all this and then I started feeling like every time I coughed or did anything I felt it could be a virus symptom and then that led to browsing countless CDC sites trying to find answers. Well, here I am not typing away trying to forget about that little panic attack.

Heading into the 5th day, I still find myself with a cough that is phlegmy as well as some post nasal drip. I do suffer from Oak allergies with this being allergy season its easy to have symptoms that mimic that of the CVID-19 virus. Other than that I feel healthy for the most party, mentally I am still trying to wrap my head around how fast life has suddenly changed and grinded to a full stop. If you are reading this and we are still in the middle of the epidemic,  it is my hope you will find the posts entertaining to read while you too are perhaps in isolation. This is going to be a long ten days to find out what happens when the 15 days of guidance runs out, hopefully movie theaters will still exist and I will be able to write a review of theatrically released movie once again.

False Positive

Lucy (Ilanda Glazer) and Adrian (Justin Theroux) are a couple needed a little help conceiving a baby and get more help than they expected fr...